Where will it be?
Hotel Rus, UA Kiev / October 27, 2018 08:00
Don't miss to meet Symfony community from the CIS area. We are saying Welcome for all developers to meet each other to share experience!
Hotel Rus, UA Kiev / October 27, 2018 08:00
Don't miss to meet Symfony community from the CIS area. We are saying Welcome for all developers to meet each other to share experience!
Более 10 лет опыта в Web Development, последнии несколько лет специализируюсь на построение процессов тестирования ПО, Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery, СТО & Co-Founder в компании Smart Gamma
Contract testing. Изолированное тестирование микросервисной архитектуры (ru)
В этом докладе мы расскажем о проблемах которые возникают при тестировании приложений построенных на микросервисной архитектуре. Проведем краткий обзор способов тестирования взаимодействия между сервисами. А так же подробно поговорим о контрактном тестировании с примером применения инструмента pact.io.
Passionate about Symfony and DX. Trainer, Developer and Community evangelist at Oro inc. SensioLabs Certified Symfony 3 Developer.
Performance profiling and testing of Symfony application (ru)
We know that every new line of code can break an application, so we test it! But usually, we skip the fact that this line can make a unit, functional or behavior tests green but entirely break the performance. So for example instead of 1 seconds processing checkout will require 10 seconds and users will leave the website without finishing the order. Google has found that 53% of mobile website visitors will leave if a webpage doesn’t load within three seconds. In this speech, I want to highlight the pros and cons of the most popular tools for profiling and automate testing application performance at Symfony applications.
Tech Lead of Upwork Enterprise Symfony lover. Blockchain enthusiast Decade of PHP development, 6 years of Symfony experience Created a lot of different applications - online mmorpg, tds, e-commerce platforms, blockchain apps, applications for enterprise
Ныряем в блокчейн с Symfony! (ru)
Расскажу как мы за полгода создали p2p обменник Qvolta(мой сторонний проект вне Upwork), покажу как работать с блокчейном через симфу. Для тех кто не знаком с увлекательным миром криптоанархии конечно же будет вступление:)
Antonio is a CEO at Locastic, a digital agency based in Split, Croatia. He is focused on sharing his business and development knowledge with startups and other entrepreneurs and is a frequent speaker on international conferences. In his free time, Antonio is working on his PhD in Computer Science.
Progressive Web Apps are here! (en)
Программист с опытом PHP больше 10 лет, Senior Software Developer в компании Upwork.
Архитектура корпоративных Symfony-приложений: проблемы модульности. (ru)
В больших компаниях вопрос повторного использования кода всегда актуален, потому что это вопрос экономии времени и вложеных денег. Для решения этой проблемы Symfony предлагает свой подход к созданию готовых модулей - Bundles. Но часто оказывается, что поддержка модульной архитектуры приносит нам новый класс трудностей, с которыми мы раньше не сталкивались. В данном докладе я попытаюсь рассказать о основных проблемах, с которыми может столкнуться разработчик Symfony-бандлов, и как их избежать заранее.
Renato is a developer who loves Linux, web and beautiful code, tries to mix technologies with some inspiration during his work in order to have creative and reliable solutions. Also thinks the eclectic interest is a must to be able to find those solutions.
Writing Dockerfiles like a PRO! (en)
Docker has played a great role in shipping functional pieces of software self contained. You can have all systems packages together with libraries and your own software, but how do we check all those pieces are working well together? Usually when developing or deploying you have a "functional" test of it, but not always everything is covered. I'll guide you on how I like to maintain my Docker images using well-known development methods!
Nicolas works at SensioLabs as CTO for the Blackfire.io, the PHP profiler that we were all missing. He started sending pull requests to Symfony by the end of 2013 and since nobody told him to stop, he ended up being a core team member & top-ranking contributor, in charge of the Debug, Cache and VarDumper components. He also contributed the deprecation policy in place since 2.7, the patchwork/utf8 package and the Symfony Polyfill project to the community. He knows how to take the most out of the PHP engine, likes optimizing CI matrices and removing lines of code.
Symfony Cache: a premium recipe to fast apps (en)
Getting the most out of the PHP 7 engine - the example of Symfony (en)
Modular application: architectural tips and tricks (ru)
“Divide and conquer” - this rule is applied not only to politics, but to software development too. No matter how small an application is - it always has to be split on smaller parts to keep things as simple as possible. This presentation is about best architectural tips and tricks in writing of modular applications - best practices were collected during the development of different applications based on the same platform called OroPlatform.
5 лет опыта разработки веб приложений из них 3 года с использованием фреймворка Symfony. Специализируюсь в разработке высоконагруженных и масштабируемых приложений. Tech-lead Smart Gamma
Contract testing. Изолированное тестирование микросервисной архитектуры (ru)
В этом докладе мы расскажем о проблемах которые возникают при тестировании приложений построенных на микросервисной архитектуре. Проведем краткий обзор способов тестирования взаимодействия между сервисами. А так же подробно поговорим о контрактном тестировании с примером применения инструмента pact.io.
Работаю с PHP более 7-ми лет, с Symfony знаком с 2015 года (с версии 2.7). Основные проекты на Symfony - новостные ресурсы (УНИАН, Главред), также разрабатывал ресурс с прогнозами погоды, и REST API сервис для хранения и работы с изображениями.
Как писать универсальный код на Symfony для работы с очередями и/или файловой системой (абстракции Gaufrette, EnqueueBundle) (ru)
Как вкрутить в свой проект поддержку стореджа или очередей, чтоб поддерживать всевозможные варианты использования (абстракции Gaufrette, EnqueueBundle)
Saturday, October 27th | |
09:00 - 10:30 |
10:30 - 10:45 |
Conference open keynote
10:45 - 11:30 |
Как писать универсальный код на Symfony для работы с очередями и/или файловой системой (абстракции Gaufrette, EnqueueBundle)
11:30 - 12:15 |
Symfony Cache: a premium recipe to fast apps
12:15 - 14:15 |
14:15 - 15:00 |
Ныряем в блокчейн с Symfony!
15:00 - 15:45 |
Progressive Web Apps are here!
15:45 - 16:25 |
Coffee Break
16:25 - 17:10 |
Modular application: architectural tips and tricks
17:10 - 17:55 |
Writing Dockerfiles like a PRO!
17:55 - 18:10 |
Closing Words
18:40 - 22:00 |
Antonio is CEO at Locastic, a development agency based in Croatia. For the last 10 years he has been developing web applications, and for more then 5 years he's been using Symfony2 as his main tool. During that time, he helped a lot of various clients to build amazing products and applications. In his free time he is working on a PhD in Computer Science and contributing to Sylius (one of the awesome contributors and evangelists of Sylius). Very proud of the integration of eZ Publish and Sylius that he worked on.
Maintainable + Extensible = Clean ... yes, Code! (en)
Clean code is like teenage sex: everyone talks about it, nobody really knows how to do it, everyone thinks everyone else is doing it, so everyone claims they are doing it... It is essential that the codes we write should be able to be understood by all. This talk will give you introduction to the principles how to write clean code that is maintainable and extensible on long terms.
Symfony CAMP UA Conference is dedicated to web applications development using PHP Framework Symfony. The primary conference theme is the Symfony framework. The conference is targeted at both professional web developers and beginners, as well as heads of Internet projects, web studios which are already using or are only planning to use Symfony framework. The main aim of the conference consists the exchange of experience, communication, and new contacts.
watch videoLovely people at @symfonycampua. Thanks everyone for the great day!
Excellent reports, great speakers! See you!
@lisachenkoIt was great meeting you guys again. Keep the #sfcampua spirit lives on! @pilouanic @torchello @tigordev @webmozart @antonioperic
@madmisDear friends! We are pleased to invite you to the annual Symfony Camp UA 2017 #sfcampua Registration is open http://2017.symfonycamp.org.ua
@symfonycampuaSymfony CAMP UA Conference is dedicated to web applications development using PHP Framework Symfony. The primary conference theme is the Symfony framework.
The conference is targeted at both professional web developers and beginners, as well as heads of Internet projects, web studios which are already using or are only planning to use Symfony framework. The main aim of the conference consists the exchange of experience, communication, and new contacts.
We’re looking for sponsors and partners who could support the conference. This would help us to hold the conference at a high level and make participation possible for the wide audience.
Yulia Shcherbovych
[email protected]
+380 (98) 22-98-681
Kateryna Semenova
[email protected]
+380 (99) 68-89-831